
Learn how to submit your assignments
in VU Collaborate

Submit and view the feedback, in the Assessment Dropbox


To see how to submit an assessment submission to a dropbox, and how to view assessment feedback in VU Collaborate, watch the short videos below.



 This guide covers the following topics, use these links for easier navigation.


Submission Files

File name

Refer to assessment requirements if a particular naming convention is required, for example:

  • Unit Code - Assessment #Number - Assessment Name - Full Name - Student Number
  • ABC1234 - Assessment 1 - Report Plan - Firstname Lastname - s1234567.docx

Accepted file types

  • Web Document: HTM, HTML, MHT, MHTML 
  • Media: SWT, MPG, MPEF, RM, MP3, PM4, M4V, M4A, AVI, WAV, RAM, ASF, MOV, RA

Your file does not upload when:

  • The filename contains illegal characters such as \ / : * ? “ < > | ~ # % & ' { }
  • The file name is too long, keep the file name under 120 characters.

Upload the Correct File:

When you save a file in Microsoft Office, for example, a file called assignment.docx, you may find two files saved on your computer: assignment.docx and ~$assignment.docx.

This is because Office creates both a temporary file and the document file, where the temporary file begins with ~$. Ensure you are uploading the actual document instead of the temporary file, as the temporary file will not open and contains no data.


Submit an Assessment

Access the Dropbox

1. In your Learning Space, on the navbar, select Assessments (1), then Dropbox (2).

assessments dropbox

2. From the list, click on the name of the Dropbox (1) you want to submit an assignment to.

select a dropbox

Submit Group Work
Assessment dropboxes, for group submission, have a Group icon (A) beside their names. In these dropboxes, any member of the group can submit files, and all members can see the submission, grades and feedback. See Viewing and joining your Groups, to learn more.


Rubric and Declaration

3. Scroll down the page,note if Turnitin (1) is enabled. Read the rubric (2) (if available), assessment declaration and preferred submission file types.

view assignment details

Add a File

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select Add a File (1).

add a file

5. The add file pop-up window provides options to locate your submission, including My Computer, My Locker, Group Locker, OneDrive Files, ePortfolio, and Google Docs.
6. Select the file location (i.e. My Computer), then locate and select your file.  

select file location

7. Note the attached file, if required add additional files or comments.
8. When ready click Submit (1).

submit assessment

Review Assessment Submission

9. Review the Assessment submission, to ensure file submission was successful.

  • You will also receive an email confirmation of your submission.
  • View History provides a view of your previous submissions. For group dropbox folders, you can check who submitted each file.
  • Upload More Files allows for additional submissions to the current dropbox.  

When complete select Done.

confirmation of successful submission 2

View Submissions

A list of submitted files is available on the Submission History page. View submission details, and for a group dropbox check who submitted each file.

1. On the Assessment Dropbox Folders page, select View History (1), or Submissions (2) under the Completion Status column.

access submission history

2. View submitted files (1), access Turnitin Similarity Reports (if enabled), and note date submitted. See Turnitin Similarity Report to learn more.

view submissions

View Feedback


1. On release of grades and feedback, a new notification will become available via Updates (1), an orange alert dot indicates unread items.

updates notifications


1. You can either click on the update message, or in your unit space on the navbar, select Assessments then Dropbox.
2. Note the grade (1) in the Score column, then select the feedback link (Unread, or Read) (2), in the Evaluation Status column.

view feedback

You will be able to view your grade, rubric and feedback comments from the Feedback page.

view feedback report

Inline Feedback

If a teacher has left annotations on your assessment using the annotation tool, follow the link View Inline Feedback to view the annotations left by your teacher. 

Viewing annotation notes


3. When you are finished viewing feedback, click Done