Buddycheck is a peer evaluation tool that allows you to provide constructive feedback to other group members on their performance in the group activity as well as undertake a self-assessment. Your instructor will create a small number of performance criteria for the evaluation. It is not expected that the activity will take more than a few minutes.
Make sure you are enrolled in a group before starting the evaluation process. Or else, you won't be able to access the activity.
Refer to Viewing and joining your Groups for further information.
On this page:
Step One: Access Buddycheck
1. In your current unit space, go to the Buddycheck activity (normally located within Assessment module).
Contact your lecturer if you cannot locate the activity.
2. Select the Buddycheck – Group Member Evaluation.
Step Two: Complete the Evaluation
1. To get started, click on Begin evaluation.
2. Read the instructions, and once ready click on Start.
3. You will be asked numerous amounts of questions about the topics of feedback. Follow the prompts on each page to complete the activity.
4. Select Back or Next to move between the pages.
5. Make sure you complete all the questions. Once submitting, you won't be able to make changes anymore.
Once done, click on Submit evaluation.
View your Feedback
This option is only available after your lecturer publishes the results/feedback. If you have any enquiry, contact your lecturer.
1. Once your lecturer publishes your results/feedback, you will receive an email notification.
The email will contain all of the feedback. You can also return to the Buddycheck evaluation in the unit space to view this at a later time.
2. You will see a graphical representation of how you performed across all criteria.
3. You will then see more detail on each performance criterion, comparing your self-score, and received score against the team average.