Create and Submit H5P Interactive Activities

Throughout your course, you may be asked to create an H5P Learning Object for a task or assessment. H5P is a platform for creating online interactive learning objects like quizzes, interactive videos, or branching scenarios, and embedding or submitting them to the assessment tasks. To find out more about H5P and different content types, refer to the H5P website.

On this page:


Accessing H5P Tool

There are two methods to access the H5P tool:

1. Within the assessment task, find the message or comment textbox.
Then select the Insert Stuff option.

sh select insert stuff option from menu

2. Select H5P Learning Object.

sh select h5p learning object


Creating an H5P Learning Object

1. To create a new H5P activity, select Add Content + button on the top left of the screen.
Or embed an existing activity using Insert button.

sh add content or insert existing one

2. You'll be taken to the Select content type screen, where you can choose and create an H5P of your choice.
To select a content type, you can:

  • Search for the name from the search bar (1) or
  • Browser from the content list (2).

sh select a content type

4. Depending on which content types you selected, you can find the relevant tutorials by H5P via:

H5P Tutorials for authors


5. After finalising your activity, select Save on the top right, to save your work and preview your activity.

sh save button

6. In the Preview screen, select Insert (1) to embed the activity.

In case any changes are needed, you can also select Edit (2) to go back to the H5P editor.

sh preview and edit options

7. Select Insert button at the bottom to confirm your action.

sh insert button

8. Ensure your H5P is embedded successfully in your comment box (1).
Then, select Submit (2).

sh submit h5p activty


For Discussion Topic:

  • a. Provide a title of your details and topic.
  • b. Select Post.

sh post in discussion topic