
This section contains articles about posting, reading and replying to messages using the Discussion tool

Posting and Replying to Messages 

To see a short video on how to participate in discussions, see the video below:

The following links listed below can be used to help navigate through the guide:

Step One: Posting a Message in Discussions 

1. Click on the topic where you want to post a message.

Click on the topic

2. Click Reply to Thread.

Reply to Thread

3. Enter a Subject and Message.

4. Set any other message options you want. (These options may not be available, depending on the course and the topic). 

ToDo this
Keep the message at the top of the list Select Pin message.
Post your message anonymously Select Author anonymously.
Receive updates on the thread via your selected notification method Select Subscribe to updates to this thread.

Attach a file In the Attachments area, click Add a File and locate the file you want to attach. You can attach as many files as you want.
Attach an audio recording
In the Attachments area, click Record Audio. Ensure your microphone is set up correctly and click Record. Click Flash Settings to make adjustments to your microphone selection and volume. Click Play to listen to your recording. Click Clear to erase your recording.
Post your message to more than one topic simultaneously Click Show the posting options. Click Add Topics, and select the topics you would like your message to appear in. To post in every topic simultaneously, select the field at the top or bottom of the topic list.

5. Click Post.

If the topic is moderated, your message will not appear until a moderator approves it. Moderated topics will display the  Posts require approval icon beside the topic name in the Discussion list. Inside the topic, messages that that still require approval display the  Message Requires Approval icon beside the message's name.


Editing Thread's and Posts

If you are the creator of a Thread you are able to edit the Thread. This is only available if the academic has allowed this setting in the discussion.

 Academics will be able to view the changes made if you edit a post.

1. Select the down arrow next to your Thread and click Edit Thread.

Select the down arrow next to your post and click Edit Thread

2. From here you will be able to change the title and content of your Thread. Once you've finished editing your thread, click Update to finalise the changes. You should receive a notification saying Edited successfully and the Thread will have updated.

Selecting Add Attachment while editing a Thread will allow you to upload a file or image from your device to showcase further information or proof, based on the topic of your Thread.

From here you will be able to change the title and content of your Thread.

3. If a Thread has been edited, there will be a pen icon next to its title. If you hover your cursor over the pen icon, it will confirm that it was edited as well as the date and time.

If a Thread has been edited there will be a pen icon next to its titlejpg

4. Individual Posts replying to Threads can also be edited. The process is identical to editing Threads, the only difference is that Thread is replaced by Post.

 Select the down arrow next to your post and click Edit Postjpg


Saving a Draft Message in Discussions

You can save your message as a draft instead of posting it right away. Saving a draft lets you return to the message later to edit it before posting it to the topic.

To save a draft, click Save Draft instead of Post.

To find a saved draft, view the message list for the topic where you created the draft and select Draft from the View drop-down list, then click Apply.

Depending on your system configuration, you may not have this option enabled. If you would like the option to save message drafts, contact your site administrator or your VU Collaborate, Account Manager.


 Replying to a Message in Discussions

 1. Locate the message you want to reply to.

Do one of the following:

  • If you're using the Grid View message list, click on the message you want to reply to, then click Reply.
  • If you're using the Reading Style message list, click Reply beneath the header of the message you want to reply to.

2. Enter your reply in the Message field. To include the original message as text in your reply, click the Add Original Message Text link. (This option may already be enabled by your course administrator).

3. Set any other message options you want. (These options may not be available, depending on the course and the topic).

ToDo this
Receive updates on the thread via your selected notification method
Select Subscribe to updates to this thread.

Attach a file

In the Attachments area, click Add a File and locate the file you want to attach. You can attach as many files as you want.

Attach an audio recording
In the Attachments area, click Record Audio. Ensure your microphone is set up correctly and click Record. Click Flash Settings to make adjustments to your microphone selection and volume. Click Play to listen to your recording. Click Clear to erase your recording.

Make the message anonymous Select Author anonymously.

4. Click Post.