

Everything you need to know about learning with Zoom Classrooms

Presenting in a Zoom Classroom

Zoom Classrooms allow students who are not able to be physically present in class to attend the session online. The steps below will show you how to do a presentation in a Zoom classroom. To fully participate in a Zoom classroom, it is recommended that you work from a computer enabled with a webcam, speakers, and a microphone. You may also like to use a headset or headphones with an attached speaker.

Please note that Zoom and other VU Collaborate functionality should only be used on Google Chrome. Make sure to update Google Chrome regularly for usability and security.

This guide covers the following topics, use these links for easier navigation:

Related guides


Step One: Participate in a Zoom Session

 1. Once you have logged into your Zoom Virtual Classroom, the following icons will appear on the bottom left hand-side of the Zoom session. The below example is indicating your microphone and video are disabled. Simply click on the specific icon to enable that particular feature during the meeting. 

 Zoom Mute and Unmute

 2. The screen will be visible in the middle window.

 If the mini window appears, you may expand it by clicking on the zoom expand button at the bottom right of the window.

Zoom viewing screen and exit mini 

 3. To enter full viewing screen, double-left-click on the window, or click on Enter Full Screen at the top-right window.

 Zoom Full Screen

 4. You may change your screen proportion by clicking on View Options then Zoom Ratio at the top of the window, to confirm the preferred settings. 

Zoom View Option


Step Two: Sharing a Presentation

During a Zoom virtual classroom session you may be required to present work to your fellow peers and teacher. 

To ensure the share screen process runs smoothly, be sure to open the presentation document onto your desktop prior to screen sharing.  

1. Click the Share Screen option located at the bottom of the window. 

 Screen Share


2. The Basic tab will be selected automatically, which will allow you to select from any of your opened applications E.g., PowerPoint or a website. Ensure the Share Computer Sound box and the Optimise Screen Sharing For Video Clip box are selected, and click Share. 

Screen Share Select Presentation Window

3. Throughout your presentation, if at any stage you need to pause your presentation, you can do so by selecting Pause Share and to resume select Resume Share
4. Once you have completed your presentation, select the Stop Share option to ensure your peers are no longer viewing your presentation. 

Pause Share

Resume Share 

5. Click New Share at the top of the window.

Zoom share 6


5. Select the Whiteboard then Share

select whiteboard and share

6. On the toolbar, select Whiteboard (1), to view the annotation toolbar. Select draw (2) to draw or create shapes, download (3) to save.
7. Select new page (4) to create new pages. When finshed select Stop Share (5)



Advanced share

3. The Advanced tab will allow you to select from the following options: 

  • PowerPoint as Virtual Background: This option requires a web cam, in order to allow your face to appear with your PowerPoint Presentation as your virtual background. This presentation style may appeal to those who would like to physically appear within their PowerPoint Presentation - lecture style. 
  • Portion of Screen: This option will allow you to select a portion of the screen to share with your peers and teacher, whilst hiding other opened applications from their view for e.g., notes. 
  • Music or Computer Sound Only: This shares your computer sound to the wider audience. They will not be able to view anything, only hear your computer's audio. 
  • Content from 2nd Camera: This option will present the view from a second camera and may appeal to those who wish to present a live demonstration. 

Advanced Screen Share


 Step Three: Sharing a File

During a Zoom Virtual Classroom session, you may need to send through a file to your fellow peers and teacher. Depending on which device you use, the steps required may vary. The two main options to share a file are: Sharing a file using the chat function and Sharing a file using your online account

3.1 Sharing a File Using the Chat Function

1. Select the Chat function to open the chat function options located on the far right hand-side. Once opened, under the To: section you can select from either sending the file to Everyone or to just the Host (teacher). Select the File button and from the options select Your Computer

Send File Through Zoom

Select Your Computer to Send a File

2. Search your computer files and once you have selected the desired file, click Open

3. The following message will appear, notifying you that the file has been sent successfully. As this was sent to Everyone, everyone in the Zoom session will have the opportunity to download the file onto their computer/device. 

File Sent Successfully through Chat in Zoom JPG

4. For everyone else, the view will appear as follows in their chat space. To download the file they will need to click on the image, which will allow them to save the file onto their computer/device.  

Student View to Download File 

You can also share files from your iPad/iPhone by clicking Share New, Basic, iPhone/iPad, and Share. 

Follow the instruction on the window to connect your device.

Zoom Share Ipad


Step Four: Using the Annotations

1. Access annotations to draw, or add notes on screen during the presentation.

  • If you are sharing - select annotations from the toolbar
  • If you are viewing a share - from View Options located at the top of the window, select Annotate.

from view options select annotate

2. You may choose from a variety of tools:

annotation tools

  • Mouse
  • Select - Select and move annoations.
  • Text - Type a message onto the screen.
  • Draw - Draw or create shapes.
  • Stamp - A range of stamp options to place onto the share screen.
  • Spotlight/Arrow - The spotlight is used as a pointer to draw the viewer's attention to a specific point, whereas, the arrow is stamped onto the screen and labelled with the users name.
  • Eraser - Clear/delete any of your annotations. 
  • Colour- Edit the colour and size of the font and shapes
  • Undo/Redo - This will either undo or redo the latest annotation you have performed. 
  • Clear - This will provide you with further 'clear' options.
  • Save - This will create a .png file onto your computer of the share screen including the annotations. 
  • More
  • Close - close the toolbar