
This section explains Panopto, VU Collaborate's integrated video creation, management, sharing and editing tool.

How to Upload a Video to Panopto

Video and Photographic Cameras
Most video and photographic cameras will record in their own proprietary format which may not be supported by the Panopto video platform. If you are using a Video or Photographic Camera to shoot your video make sure that you set the recording format to mp4 (or one of the supported formats listed above) before making your video. This will ensure the video can be uploaded to the system.

Have your video prepared and ready in one of the supported video formats. The following formats are the most commonly used: mp4, m4v, wmv, movOther supported formats are: 3gp, asf, avi, flv, mkv, mpg, mpeg, ogv, webm

You can also use your mobile phone to record a video, see Using Panopto App on Android or Using Panopto App of iOS (Apple iPhone).


Below are the links you can use to navigate through the guide:


Accessing Panopto

If you are a VU Online student, please refer to your Communication Space or Support and Collaboration Spaces to access the 'Video' navbar link which will redirect you to your Panopto homepage, in a new tab.

1. Go to VU Collaborate and navigate to your Unit Space, VU Online students, go to your Communication or Support and Collaboration Spaces.

2. From the navbar, select Video, this will open your Panopto homepage in a new tab.

in your unit space on the navbar select video

3. Click the Next button and take a tour of Panopto and its features.

click next to take a quick tour of panopto


Uploading Content to Panopto

1. Select My Folder.

select my folder

2. Select Create, then Upload Media.

select create then upload media

3. You can either drag your media into Panopto or click and search your computer for the file.

drag video or audio files here

4. Once you have selected your file it will then take a moment to upload, when complete, close the upload window.

wait for your video to upload

5. The video will now take a moment to process - it is normal for this to take a few minutes, please ensure you do not close the Panopto tab at this time.

wait for video processing