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A rubric is a tool used to outline the expectations of an assessment, by listing criteria and levels of achievement.


Tags: Assessment

An ePortfolio is a tool for students to record items about their educational experience at VU. These items reveal evidence of their learning and abilities and may be shared or exported to different audiences in a number of ways.

Learn more about VU Vollaborate My ePortfolio.

Zoom Classroom is a suite of tools integrated into VU Collaborate to enable online teaching. Tools such as chat, video conferencing, whiteboard, and instant messaging allow rich collaboration with students to facilitate blended learning opportunities.

Discussion forums are a rich, asynchronous form of collaboration that allows students to discuss important topics in a question and answer format. They may  be used by a group to work on a group assignment or a  repository for important answers to common questions in the field or practice.

Learn more about VU Collaborate Discussions.

VU Collaborate has tools to facilitate communication between students and instructors. These include:

  • Email
  • Discussion boards
  • Virtual Classrooms and
  • News items

See VU Collaborate's Communication tools.


All student will have access to a Student Induction space, which allows you to try out VU Collaborate as a student and learn more about the common tools that can support you in your studies. Access to other spaces will be based on whether your unit or course is currently in VU Collaborate - if you are unsure, please ask your lecturer or teacher.

Please check the Troubleshooting section of the VU Collaborate Student Help for further information regarding supported browsers, computer requirements and any known issues.

If you experience system errors or technical errors, or cannot find information related to your issues and continue to have problems, please contact ITS Service Desk and report the error you are receiving. 


Tags: Access

After graduating or completing your studies for the year, you will have access to the following areas:


  • Your email will still be accessible after you graduate so long as you continue to log in and use it.

Delivery Space Access:

  • As a graduate student, you can upload assessments and create/edit your eportfolio for 15 weeks after completing a unit.
  • Continuous read access (perpetuity) to all unit spaces (log in using your student ID and password).